Interesting. Kind of the reverse to me then. I think I'll add an option in for DMS database generation to 'override' what the meaning of 'Playlist' / 'Album' is so that an un-used mode can be turned into a different mode from an existing data view. I'd never use Album view, because my playlists already represent my 'Albums'.
That would be an option meaning:
<Index File = View>
or :
Album = Playlist
Playlist = Album
So the relevant index files are generated based on your selection.
Eventually, not now, this could then be extended to provide SSA/VIOT customisation on differing criteria.
In testing, unfortunately, like PhatNoise MM the generation of the differing index views is a hell of a hit timewise.
This is mainly because the source of the data has no resemblance to the SQL database and the IDs contained therein and so I'm having to build up alternative collections of the data. I'm doing this at the point of generating the index files rather than at any other point, to keep the rest of PhatHack Media Manager running at a reasonable pace. From what I can see of the other tools around, it's not too much different (except it's VB instead of C) and I'm using SortedLists to give me instant Alpha sorting.
Some time in the future hopefully we can re-write the way the PhatBox gets at it's track listings because there has gotta be a much better way of achieving the same results.