Author Topic: Issues with skipping  (Read 10414 times)

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Offline ccdalla

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Issues with skipping
« on: September 22, 2008, 01:24:50 pm »
Okay, so after looking through the various posts that refer to issues with Phatboxes that skip, I'm starting to get the uncomfortable feeling that my issue is with my cable, but on the other hand, maybe not...

The hardware: A really early Phatbox (like, serial number 52 or something on my 10G DMS), connected to a stock Symphony head unit in a 2001 Audi S4, using the "new" Phatbox-to-Audi cable, not the one that originally came with the Phatbox (I did get the new cable from Phatnoise- iirc, it became a requirement when they upgraded the firmware to fix the delayed-reaction/missed button press issues that plagued the thing from the start).

My scenario is this: As I'll be driving, my music will occasionally drop out.  It might come back in a second or two, or it might take almost a minute.  Sometimes it'll drop out again soon after, sometimes it'll continue to work flawlessly (for up to 45 minutes at a minumum- I rarely have drives that last longer than that).  I should probably point out that I don't always get dropouts- sometimes, I can drive for 45 minutes with no trouble at all.

Here's where my scenario starts to diverge from what I was able to find by searching the forums: Sometimes, after a dropout, my Phatbox will sort of lose its mind.  It'll decide that it can only play like 5 songs on a playlist that's 99 songs deep, and of those 5, it'll only play some portion of each, it might play A seconds of track V, B seconds of track W, C seconds of track X, D seconds of track Y, and E seconds of track Z...then it'll go back to track V, and start over with A seconds of track V, B seconds of track W, and so on.  When it gets into this mode, it always plays the same fragment of each track that it feels comfortable playing, but it never recovers on its own.  If I switch playlists, it just stops playing altogether.  I can usually get it out of this mode by pulling the DMS and then re-inserting it.

Another failure mode I see (which may be just an edge case of the one above) is, after skipping, the track counter will just run through the numbers quickly, but won't actually play anything.  If I'm in random mode at the time, the numbers will sequence randomly, but if I'm in sequential mode, it'll count 1..N and then start over.  In this mode, if I try to switch playlists, I get a similar thing: Pressing "2" on my head unit gets me the familiar "The current playlist is..." prompt, but then the track counter just runs amok as it was when I was in normal play mode.  As above, I can usually get the Phatbox out of this mode by pulling the DMS and then re-inserting it.  Having said that, SOMETIMES (twice so far in the last 2 years, I think), I have to actually disconnect the cable from the back of the Phatbox and reconnect it, which has the unfortunate side effect of possibly blowing the fuse on the back of the head unit if I can't get the connector lined up correctly before I try to engage it.

So- Does all of this sound like the sort of thing that cable flakiness could cause?  If so, I can hard-wire my cable to my Phatbox- my soldering skills are such that I don't fear this...I just don't want to have to extricate my Phatbox from my car, because getting it in there in the first place sucked, and not in a good way.

Is there a chance that I'm just seeing flakiness related to a hard drive that's been subjected to operation in a vehicle that is, shall we say, driven with gusto, through temperatures that swing from below zero to well over 100 degrees inside the car over the course of the year?  If the Phatbox is having trouble reading from the hard drive, does it attempt to log these errors, and if so, where?

Has anyone seen solder joint flakiness on the PCB that might interrupt comms between the Winbond MCU and the ARM, causing the rebootifier to engage?

Enquiring minds want to know, and more importantly, enquiring minds want to listen to their music all the way through.


Offline sbingner

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Re: Issues with skipping
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2008, 04:43:07 pm »
This happened when I was using my phatbox on honda via an adaptor... it was due to the potential difference to ground changing (I didn't have a clean ground) -- not sure if that would be the same cause for you or not

Offline ccdalla

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Re: Issues with skipping
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2008, 05:19:29 pm »
Hmm...I suppose a floaty ground is possible, but this is a problem that's relatively new: Everything was beautiful for the first 3 years or so...then I had one incident of skip, and then everything was good for another 8-12 months.  Since then, the problem has grown steadily worse, until I've gotten to where I am now, which is that I can expect a skip to occur at least once a week on average.  The failure mode where the thing just goes meshuggana happens maybe every couple of months.  I guess I should've mentioned all this in my original post.

Given that the Phatbox has an extruded metal case, grounding *shouldn't* be a problem if all-metal mounting hardware is used (which is true in my case), assuming that the Phatbox has a ground strap from the PCB to the case...I'll look into this, though.

I will say that I've always been a little sketchy on that connector they's a nice one to use when relatively high density is needed, but it's not exactly what I'd call automotive the very least, I'd be happier if the Phatbox side had the nuts that would allow me to screw down the cable, but on mine, at least, that connector is the style that has latches rather than screw retention.

Oh, and if it matters (and I can't see how it does, but what can I say, I try to be thorough), I was wrong about my DMS- it's not 10G, it's 20G, and its serial number 55 (well, okay 0111000055, but I assume 0111 means it was made in November of '01).  And I suspect that the "rB" on the label means "rev B".

Thanks for the response...

« Last Edit: September 22, 2008, 08:52:21 pm by ccdalla »

Offline sbingner

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Re: Issues with skipping
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2008, 11:22:16 am »
You might try a new DMS then... if the hard drive is having issues it could definately cause skips

Offline mnflycaster

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Re: Issues with skipping
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2008, 03:32:53 am »
For my experience the skipping was the first sign of my hard drive going out. It got worse over time... 6-8 months. It caused issues with the sorting and playing tracks with "dead air" etc... got totally possessed at times! Thank goodness for this forum! replaced both drives in my vehicles to be on the safe side.Hope your issue just turns out to be the drive! GL!

Offline sparky2002

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Re: Issues with skipping
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2008, 05:36:45 am »
I had my phatbox in an audi a3 for 3 years.
for 2.5 years it would skip - got worse with louder volume.
been working fine for last 6 months - how did I fix it??
I moved the phatbox from the left side of the car to the right side of the car ( it was mounted on the sub).
Hope this helps you.

Offline ccdalla

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Re: Issues with skipping
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2008, 12:44:29 pm »
Thanks for all the responses, guys...though the variety does mean there's more stuff for me to check, it's always good to know what things have caused problems for others.

I think that I'm going to go the route of hacking my Phatbox and then get a new HDD for the DMS first- that's a cheap and easy thing to try, and doesn't involve my having to dissect my trunk again.

I'm pretty sure that vibration from my sub isn't the problem, because unlike Sparky's issue, mine went the other way- it worked great for a long time, no matter what volume I played it at, and has gotten progressively worse over time, suggesting a degenerative issue, and as we all know, the most likely suspects for something like that, particularly in a car, tend to be either in a connector or a moving part.

Will follow up and let you all know what happens when I get the new HDD installed.
