Author Topic: Hacked Keg and installed new HDD now what  (Read 14895 times)

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Offline ozzie2179

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  • Posts: 5
Hacked Keg and installed new HDD now what
« on: January 06, 2011, 09:09:18 pm »
Guys, im sure this has been discussed in other posts but I have spent all day looking for some answers, hope someone can help.  I added a 120 gb hdd to the DMS, inserted the DMS to the dock, DMS tool sees the new drive, calls it USB Disk, but it wont allow me to Create a New DMS, Im sure i missed a step and hoping I can get a little guidence as to how to proceed.

Offline ozzie2179

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  • Posts: 5
Re: Hacked Keg and installed new HDD now what
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2011, 11:45:46 pm »
I'm so lost.. I went through some more post and checked my logs, it seems the keg is hacked but the log stats stage 9, 10 & 11 failed.  so does that mean I have to re-attempt the hack?  here is the log.

Btw, im using window 7 and i have a WD 120gb formated to fat32 with WD Format Tools.

Any help is greatly appriciated.

Date: 1/6/2011
Time: 12:32:53
LogDir: C:\Users\itorres\Documents\PhatHack Media Manager\Logs\
ToolsPath: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\

Starting up....

Loading Patch File List.

   File 1: %sys%\aadec
   File 2: %sys%\aadec.sig
   File 3: %sys%\patcher
   File 4: %sys%\patcher.sig
   File 5: %sys%\
   File 6: %sys%\rc.sig
   File 7: %sys%\bootload.log
   File 8: %sys%\backup\phatpatch
   File 9: %sys%\backup\phatpatchver.txt
   File 10: %sys%\backup\
   File 11: %sys%\backup\patchcomplete.mp3
   File 12: %sys%\aadec-orig
   File 13: %sys%\aadec-orig.sig
   File 14: %sys%\backup\
   File 15: %sys%\PhatHack.mp3
   File 16: %sys%\PhatHack.hack
   File 17: %data%\PhatHack.mp3
   File 18: %data%\HackIntro.mp3
   File 19: %data%\PhatHack.hack

Loaded 20 file(s).

Loading Wizard Configuration...

Stages configured: 10

   Loading Stage: 1

      Stage name: Wizard Welcome

   Stage 1 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 2

      Stage name: Verify Original DMS

   Stage 2 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 3

      Stage name: Original DMS Attached

   Stage 3 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 4

      Stage name: Backup DMS

   Stage 4 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 5

      Stage name: Applying Patch files

   Stage 5 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 6

      Stage name: DMS Patch Applied

   Stage 6 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 7

      Stage name: Verify Patch State

   Stage 7 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 8

      Stage name: Patched OK!

   Stage 8 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 9

      Stage name: Failed Verify DMS

   Stage 9 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 10

      Stage name: Patch Failed!

   Stage 10 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 11

      Stage name: Unknown Error Occured

   Stage 11 loaded.

Moving to Wizard stage: 1
Stage name: Wizard Welcome
User clicked on Next

Moving to Wizard stage: 2
Stage name: Verify Original DMS
Running auto-process for stage: 1...

Win32_Drive List

      Starting device evaluation:
      Determining device signature...
   Disk ID: 0
   Disk Name: INTEL SSDSA1M080G2LE
   PnP Device: IDE\DISKINTEL_SSDSA1M080G2LE____________________2CV102L0\4&1BFC452C&0&0.0.0
   Disk Signature (not serial!): FAFC6CA2
   Drive Serial: INTEL SSDSA1M080G2LE CVPO021001LZ080EGN

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      No logical disks available for device partitions.

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #0, Partition #1
      Drive: C:
      Serial #: A6058A19

      Device evaluation complete.
      Next device evaluation:
      Determining device signature...
   Disk ID: 1
   Disk Name: PhatNois e DMS 10GB USB Disk
   Disk Signature (not serial!): 2E39EB28
   Drive Serial: 0

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #1, Partition #0
      Drive: G:
      Serial #: 3C3421A9

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #1, Partition #1
      Drive: E:
      Serial #: 3C3421AA

      Device evaluation complete.
Checking disks for PhatNoise original DMS disk....
PhatNoise original DMS disk found.

Moving to Wizard stage: 3
Stage name: Original DMS Attached
User clicked on Next

Moving to Wizard stage: 4
Stage name: Backup DMS
Running auto-process for stage: 3...
Created argument string of: if=\\.\PhysicalDrive1 bs=512 count=2048 of="C:\Users\itorres\Documents\PhatHack Media Manager\DMS Backups\DMS Boot\DMS_Backup_06_Jan_2011_(12_32_53)\DMS_Backup_For_DeviceSerial_2E39EB28.bin"
DMS Boot bin backup name: C:\Users\itorres\Documents\PhatHack Media Manager\DMS Backups\DMS Boot\DMS_Backup_06_Jan_2011_(12_32_53)\DMS_Backup_For_DeviceSerial_2E39EB28.bin
Running DD for DMS Boot Bin backup...
...process executed cleanly.

Moving to Wizard stage: 5
Stage name: Applying Patch files
Running auto-process for stage: 4...
Connecting to DMS Manager......
...successfully initialised DMS manager!
DMS File Backup Dir: C:\Users\itorres\Documents\PhatHack Media Manager\DMS Backups\DMS Boot\DMS_Backup_06_Jan_2011_(12_32_53)

Performing Patch File Update....
PhatSys Drive: G:
Exec INI location: G:\exec.ini
Exec INI exists: True
Checking backup directory exists...

Patch File 1 of 19

   Destination: G:\aadec

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\aadec

Backing up original file: G:\aadec
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\aadec
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 2 of 19

   Destination: G:\aadec.sig

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\aadec.sig

Backing up original file: G:\aadec.sig
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\aadec.sig
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 3 of 19

   Destination: G:\patcher

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\patcher

Backing up original file: G:\patcher
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\patcher
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 4 of 19

   Destination: G:\patcher.sig

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\patcher.sig

Backing up original file: G:\patcher.sig
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\patcher.sig
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 5 of 19

   Destination: G:\

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\

Backing up original file: G:\
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 6 of 19

   Destination: G:\rc.sig

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\rc.sig

Backing up original file: G:\rc.sig
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\rc.sig
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 7 of 19

   Destination: G:\bootload.log

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\bootload.log

Backing up original file: G:\bootload.log
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\bootload.log
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 8 of 19

   Destination: G:\backup\phatpatch

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\phatpatch

Backing up original file: G:\backup\phatpatch
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\phatpatch
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 9 of 19

   Destination: G:\backup\phatpatchver.txt

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\phatpatchver.txt

Backing up original file: G:\backup\phatpatchver.txt
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\phatpatchver.txt
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 10 of 19

   Destination: G:\backup\

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\

Backing up original file: G:\backup\
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 11 of 19

   Destination: G:\backup\patchcomplete.mp3

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\patchcomplete.mp3

Backing up original file: G:\backup\patchcomplete.mp3
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\patchcomplete.mp3
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 12 of 19

   Destination: G:\aadec-orig

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\aadec-orig

Backing up original file: G:\aadec-orig
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\aadec-orig
Applying of patch file complete.
Backing up original Exec.INI file...
Backup of original file complete.
Applying AAC hack...
INI update succeeded.
Creating hack entry in EXEC.INI...
INI update succeeded.

Patch File 13 of 19

   Destination: G:\aadec-orig.sig

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\aadec-orig.sig

Backing up original file: G:\aadec-orig.sig
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\aadec-orig.sig
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 14 of 19

   Destination: G:\backup\

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\

Backing up original file: G:\backup\
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\backup\
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 15 of 19

   Destination: G:\PhatHack.mp3

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\PhatHack.mp3

Backing up original file: G:\PhatHack.mp3
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\PhatHack.mp3
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 16 of 19

   Destination: G:\PhatHack.hack

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\PhatHack.hack

Backing up original file: G:\PhatHack.hack
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\PhatHack.hack
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 17 of 19

   Destination: E:\PhatHack.mp3

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\PhatHack.mp3

Backing up original file: E:\PhatHack.mp3
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\PhatHack.mp3
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 18 of 19

   Destination: E:\HackIntro.mp3

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\HackIntro.mp3

Backing up original file: E:\HackIntro.mp3
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\HackIntro.mp3
Applying of patch file complete.

Patch File 19 of 19

   Destination: E:\PhatHack.hack

   Source: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\PhatHack.hack

Backing up original file: E:\PhatHack.hack
Backup of original file complete.
Applying patch file: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\HackFiles\PhatHack.hack
Applying of patch file complete.

Checking for hack log directory...
Log directory exists, checking for log files...
Backing up patch log...
...done, now deleting existing file...
Backing up patchverify log...
...done, now deleting existing file...
... No patchwrite.log exists.
...log directory checking complete.

Creating Hack Playlist....

Hack Playlist created

Refreshing DMS contents....

Done.  Checking for hack playlist....

Inserting Hack Playlist as 1st playlist....


Re-generating PBX and SIG files....


Updating profile databases....

Backup Complete.

Updating profile disc count....


Updating Phatman.ini Modification Count....

Patch File Update completed without errors.

Moving to Wizard stage: 6
Stage name: DMS Patch Applied
User cancelled the wizard.

Win32_Drive List

      Starting device evaluation:
      Determining device signature...
   Disk ID: 0
   Disk Name: INTEL SSDSA1M080G2LE
   PnP Device: IDE\DISKINTEL_SSDSA1M080G2LE____________________2CV102L0\4&1BFC452C&0&0.0.0
   Disk Signature (not serial!): FAFC6CA2
   Drive Serial: INTEL SSDSA1M080G2LE CVPO021001LZ080EGN

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      No logical disks available for device partitions.

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #0, Partition #1
      Drive: C:
      Serial #: A6058A19

      Device evaluation complete.
      Next device evaluation:
      Determining device signature...
   Disk ID: 1
   Disk Name: PhatNois e DMS 10GB USB Disk
   Disk Signature (not serial!): 2E39EB28
   Drive Serial: 0

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #1, Partition #0
      Drive: G:
      Serial #: 3C3421A9

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #1, Partition #1
      Drive: E:
      Serial #: 3C3421AA

      Device evaluation complete.

PhatHack Media Manager DMS Patcher

Date: 1/6/2011
Time: 12:50:28
LogDir: C:\Users\itorres\Documents\PhatHack Media Manager\Logs\
ToolsPath: C:\Program Files\PhatHack\PhatHack DMS Tools\DMS_Utils\

Starting up....

Loading Patch File List.

   File 1: %sys%\aadec
   File 2: %sys%\aadec.sig
   File 3: %sys%\patcher
   File 4: %sys%\patcher.sig
   File 5: %sys%\
   File 6: %sys%\rc.sig
   File 7: %sys%\bootload.log
   File 8: %sys%\backup\phatpatch
   File 9: %sys%\backup\phatpatchver.txt
   File 10: %sys%\backup\
   File 11: %sys%\backup\patchcomplete.mp3
   File 12: %sys%\aadec-orig
   File 13: %sys%\aadec-orig.sig
   File 14: %sys%\backup\
   File 15: %sys%\PhatHack.mp3
   File 16: %sys%\PhatHack.hack
   File 17: %data%\PhatHack.mp3
   File 18: %data%\HackIntro.mp3
   File 19: %data%\PhatHack.hack

Loaded 20 file(s).

Loading Wizard Configuration...

Stages configured: 10

   Loading Stage: 1

      Stage name: Wizard Welcome

   Stage 1 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 2

      Stage name: Verify Original DMS

   Stage 2 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 3

      Stage name: Original DMS Attached

   Stage 3 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 4

      Stage name: Backup DMS

   Stage 4 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 5

      Stage name: Applying Patch files

   Stage 5 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 6

      Stage name: DMS Patch Applied

   Stage 6 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 7

      Stage name: Verify Patch State

   Stage 7 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 8

      Stage name: Patched OK!

   Stage 8 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 9

      Stage name: Failed Verify DMS

   Stage 9 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 10

      Stage name: Patch Failed!

   Stage 10 loaded.

   Loading Stage: 11

      Stage name: Unknown Error Occured

   Stage 11 loaded.

Moving to Wizard stage: 1
Stage name: Wizard Welcome
User clicked on Next

Moving to Wizard stage: 2
Stage name: Verify Original DMS
Running auto-process for stage: 1...

Win32_Drive List

      Starting device evaluation:
      Determining device signature...
   Disk ID: 0
   Disk Name: INTEL SSDSA1M080G2LE
   PnP Device: IDE\DISKINTEL_SSDSA1M080G2LE____________________2CV102L0\4&1BFC452C&0&0.0.0
   Disk Signature (not serial!): FAFC6CA2
   Drive Serial: INTEL SSDSA1M080G2LE CVPO021001LZ080EGN

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      No logical disks available for device partitions.

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #0, Partition #1
      Drive: C:
      Serial #: A6058A19

      Device evaluation complete.
      Next device evaluation:
      Determining device signature...
   Disk ID: 1
   Disk Name: PhatNois e DMS 10GB USB Disk
   Disk Signature (not serial!): 2E39EB28
   Drive Serial: 0

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #1, Partition #0
      Drive: G:
      Serial #: 3C3421A9

      Partitions List

      (Debugging: About to Query WMI for Logical Disks)

      (Debugging: ..Query Complete)
      Partition: Disk #1, Partition #1
      Drive: E:
      Serial #: 3C3421AA

      Device evaluation complete.

Moving to Wizard stage: 6
Stage name: DMS Patch Applied
User clicked on Next

Moving to Wizard stage: 7
Stage name: Verify Patch State
Running auto-process for stage: 6...
- WARNING: Patch did not write 'patchwrite.log'.

Patch.log returned result:The hack had already been applied.

Patch Verification Results

Patch 1 OK: Expected: 0000 1a00    Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 2 OK: Expected: 0000 1a00    Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 3 OK: Expected: 0000 1a00    Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 4 OK: Expected: 0000 1a00    Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 5 OK: Expected: 0000 13a0    Actual: 0000 13a0
Patch 6 OK: Expected: 0000 e350    Actual: 0000 e350
Patch 7 OK: Expected: 0000 03a0    Actual: 0000 03a0
Patch 8 OK: Expected: 0000 eb00    Actual: 0000 eb00
Patch 9 OK: Expected: 0000 eb00    Actual: 0000 eb00

No. of time patch appears to have been run [Log cycles]: 1
Directory warnings [Total for all cycles]: 0
Connecting to DMS Manager......
...successfully initialised DMS manager!
Restoring original files to DMS...

Refreshing DMS contents....

Done.  Checking for hack playlist....

Hack playlist exists, removing it....


Re-generating PBX and SIG files....


Updating profile databases....

Backup Complete.

Updating profile disc count....

Restoring of original files completed successfully.

Moving to Wizard stage: 8
Stage name: Patched OK!
User cancelled the wizard.

Offline VorTechS

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Re: Hacked Keg and installed new HDD now what
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2011, 07:06:44 am »
Your box is hacked. (See extract below that verfies this)

To 'Create New DMS' you must have selected a version of firmware to put on the DMS.  This is probably all you are missing.

Patch.log returned result:The hack had already been applied.

Patch Verification Results

Patch 1 OK: Expected: 0000 1a00    Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 2 OK: Expected: 0000 1a00    Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 3 OK: Expected: 0000 1a00    Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 4 OK: Expected: 0000 1a00    Actual: 0000 1a00
Patch 5 OK: Expected: 0000 13a0    Actual: 0000 13a0
Patch 6 OK: Expected: 0000 e350    Actual: 0000 e350
Patch 7 OK: Expected: 0000 03a0    Actual: 0000 03a0
Patch 8 OK: Expected: 0000 eb00    Actual: 0000 eb00
Patch 9 OK: Expected: 0000 eb00    Actual: 0000 eb00

No. of time patch appears to have been run [Log cycles]: 1
Directory warnings [Total for all cycles]: 0
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)

Offline ozzie2179

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  • Posts: 5
Re: Hacked Keg and installed new HDD now what
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2011, 04:29:39 pm »
Thanks for confirming, question, if in the Hack Tools drop box where i would select the firmware nothing populates, how else can I go about adding the firmware to the new HDD?

Offline VorTechS

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Re: Hacked Keg and installed new HDD now what
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2011, 09:07:32 am »
There should always be something in the drop down as long as you are not blocking traffic.  I don't have the source code here to verify the current URLs used, but we'll need to check those URLs are still accessible.
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)

Offline ozzie2179

  • Newbie
  • Posts: 5
Re: Hacked Keg and installed new HDD now what
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2011, 08:18:01 pm »
VorTechS, my office internet connection was blocking the firmware list, I was able to select the firmware and create the new DMS, everything looks good, insterted the new DMS into the box and it played the test playlist I created, back on my computer trying to add more playlist, will post back if any issues. 

I just want to Thank you for all your time and patience, you helpped me replace my 10GB DMS to a 120gb adding countless amount of hours of music to my system.  A Million Thanks!! You Rock! ;D

Offline VorTechS

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  • PhatHack Media Manager & DMS Tools Wizard Author
Re: Hacked Keg and installed new HDD now what
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2011, 07:48:28 am »
Excellent news! 

It's probably a good shot across the bow though to have the next version contain all the files in the installer so there is no reliance on web traffic.
Kenwood KDC-W7031 | Kenwood KHD-CX910 | 250GB DMS | PhatHack Media Manager v1.1.4 (Alpha) | VIOT

Catch me weekdays 8am-4pm GMT on IRC @ on channel #phathack (aka the chat link!!)