Hi All,
Been struggling with a whole mess of intersecting problems. I have a phatbox in an audi with factory head unit. My DMS died a little while ago (the cradle does read it but it's on its last legs making all sorts of noises). I bought a GM one on Ebay as a replacement figuring I could just change the firmware. This has proven impossible so far. Using the DMS tools I can select Audi Native 7.02 in the drop down list. Once I click on 'update firmware' the progress bar reads 'downloading player files' it takes forever and eventually says 'update successfully completed' but current firmware is still listed as Kenwood and nothing has happened. Certainly no green activity light blinks on the cradle. I can put data on it with media manager so I think the cradle works okay. Funnily enough the head unit initially sees the DMS but just scrolls really quickly through all the track numbers without playing any of them. Eventually it goes to 'No CD'. The caveat here is that I am using a Mac with a Windows (7) partition. I'm sure when I downloaded the tools years back that the firmware comes within that and is held locally on the drive - or am I mistaken? I'm wondering if the internet connection might be the problem although the computer connects fine to the internet through Explorer and I have enabled the DMS tools to access the internet in the preferences. Any ideas anyone? Perhaps anyone in the UK can help out if it's beyond my meagre understanding of these things? Thanks all.